
Georg Hax

Head of Divisional Risk Management and Internal Controls, Siemens AG

Georg Hax verantwortet Enterprise Risk Management und Internal Controls für die Power and Gas Division sowie die Energy Management Division der Siemens AG. Nach einem Studium der Betriebswirtschaft und Promotion an der Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt a.M. begann Herr Hax seine berufliche Laufbahn 1997 im Rechnungswesen der Siemens AG.  Es folgten verschiedene Positionen innerhalb des Konzerns als Leiter Accounting, Leiter Business Controlling sowie in operativen Funktionen in den USA und in Deutschland. Seit 2012 Verantwortung für Risk Management und Internal Controls und im Rahmen dieser Aufgabe Einführung von ERM und Internal Control Systems bei diversen M&A-Projekten.

Motivation:  "Einen Beitrag zum Geschäftserfolg von Siemens zu leisten."


Siemens AG

For more than 170 years, Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) has stood for innovative strength, a passion for technology, sustainability, responsibility and an uncompromising commitment to quality and excellence. As a globally operating technology company, we’re rigorously leveraging the advantages that our setup provides. To tap business opportunities in both new and established markets, our businesses are bundled into eight divisions and healthcare as well as wind power as separately managed businesses. As of September 30, 2017, we had around 377,000 employees worldwide. Orders totaled €85,7 billion and revenue was €83 billion in fiscal 2017. We operate in 289 major production and manufacturing plants worldwide. In addition, we have office buildings, warehouses, research and development facilities or sales offices in almost every country in the world.